Weichie.com Inc. is ready for business (NY-001/03)
Finally, Weichie.com Inc. Now also has a bank account! We’re ready to start working for US clients, be able to invoice them, and most importantly for our business: our clients can pay in their preferred payment method. No more international wire transfers that not only come with additional fees but not everyone can make an international wire transfer that easily we discovered.
Some of our clients always needed to call their bank to explain that they wanted to make a payment to Belgium. So with our US Bank account, working with Weichie.com Inc. is easier than ever. And there is no difference with other US-based digital agencies anymore – except our exceptional service in web design & development of course. You won’t find the quality that we deliver with Weichie.com at any other agency.
Our first American Clients
We already had a few American customers without our US branch. Those were customers who already worked together with me when I was living in New York and kept working together with us when I moved back to Belgium. We can now better support our long-term clients as we are now also reachable through our US Phone number.
Onboarding new clients is the next step! Currently onboarding our first new clients are all in the eCommerce sector, going hard on Shopify – which we love!
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